Dhaka University Admission Notice 2020-21

Dhaka University Admission Notice 2020-21 www.du.ac.bd. Dhaka University Admission Test circular 2020 – 2021 Notice has been announced. Next 6th August (Friday) 2021 Dhaka University Admission Test will be seized. Interested candidates will have to apply in Dhaka University Admission Test circular 2020-21 by Dhaka University website official website at www.du.ac.bd & as well our website.
Dhaka University Admission Test 2020-21
Dhaka University Admission Notice 2020-21 www.du.ac.bd. Dhaka University Admission Test for the academic session 2020-2021 of Graduation (Honours) 1st year will be seized this year on next 6th August (Friday) 2021. Interested candidates will have to apply in Dhaka University Admission Test Notice 2020-21 by online.
ঢাবি ভর্তি পরীক্ষার নতুন তারিখ ঘোষণা
পুনঃনির্ধারিত তারিখ অনুযায়ী সকল ইউনিটের ভর্তি পরীক্ষার প্রবেশপত্র আগামী ১০ জুলাই থেকে পরীক্ষা শুরুর ৩০ মিনিট পূর্ব পর্যন্ত ডাউনলোড করা যাবে। ভর্তি পরীক্ষার অন্যান্য নির্দেশনা ও শর্তাবলী অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।
This year interested candidates will not get opportunity to participate Dhaka University Admission Test Notice 2020-21 for 2nd time. Dhaka University Admission Test circular 2020-21 online application time will be initiating on next August 2020. Online application time of Dhaka University Admission Test Notice 2020 www.du.ac.bd will be concluding on next May (Tuesday) 2021.
Dhaka University Admission Notice
Online Application Date Initiate: May (Monday) 2021
Online Application Date Finish: May (Wednesday) 2021
Last date of payment: May, 2021
Admission Test Seized: 6th August (Friday) 2021
Next 6th August (Friday) 2021 Dhaka University Admission Test will be initiating and it will be ongoing till 14th August (Friday) 2021. This year Dhaka University Admission Test circular 2020-21 www.du.ac.bd will be start with ‘KHA’ Unit & will be finishing with ‘GHA’ Unit.
DU Admission Test New Mark Distribution
Dhaka University Admission: MCQ with along Written test Dhaka University (DU) is going to introduce new rules for admission tests which will include written part along the multiple choices Question (MCQ). The deans’ committee of the university discussed the issue in its July 3 meeting. The committee decided in principle to execute the new system in the upcoming admission exam for 2020-21 academic session. In the new system, the admission seekers will have to take part in 60 marks MCQ test and 40 marks written examination. The students will get 45 minutes for written test while 45 minutes for MCQ exam. In the written test, the students will have space for answer within the question paper. |
সভায় ‘ক’, ‘খ’, ‘গ’ ও ‘ঘ’ ইউনিটের ভর্তি পরীক্ষায় ৬০ নম্বরের MCQ এবং ৪০ নম্বরের লিখিত পরীক্ষা নেওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত গৃহীত হয়। শুধুমাত্র ‘চ’ ইউনিটের পরীক্ষায় ৪০ নম্বরের MCQ এবং ৬০ নম্বরের লিখিত পরীক্ষা নেওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত গৃহীত হয়। ‘ক’, ‘খ’, ‘গ’ ও ‘ঘ’ ইউনিটের MCQ পরীক্ষার জন্য ৪৫ মিনিট এবং লিখিত পরীক্ষার জন্য ৪৫ মিনিট সময় নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে। ‘চ’ ইউনিটের MCQ পরীক্ষার জন্য ৩০ মিনিট এবং লিখিত পরীক্ষার জন্য ৪৫ মিনিট সময় নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে।
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভর্তি বিষয়ক আরও তথ্য জানতে আমাদের গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন
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Let’s have a look Dhaka University Admission Test Routine 2020-21 www.du.ac.bd below:-
Dhaka University Admission Test Date 2020-21
Dhaka University Units | Faculty | Exam Date |
DU ‘KA‘ Unit Admission Test | Science Faculty | 6th August (Friday) 2021 |
DU ‘KHA‘ Unit Admission Test | Arts Faculty | 7th August (Saturday) 2021 |
DU ‘GA’ Unit Admission Test | Commerce Faculty | 13th August (Friday) 2021 |
DU ‘GHA‘ Unit Admission Test | Social Science Faculty | 14th August (Saturday) 2021 |
DU ‘CHA‘ Unit Admission Test | Fine Arts Faculty (GK) | 31st July (Friday) 2021 |
DU ‘CHA’ Unit Admission Test | Drawing | August (Friday) 2021 |
Dhaka University Honors Admission Requirement
ভর্তিচ্ছু আবেদনকারীদের ন্যূনতম যোগ্যতা হিসেবে ‘ক’ ইউনিটের জন্য মাধ্যমিক/সমমান এবং উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক/সমমান পরীক্ষায় (৪র্থ বিষয়সহ) প্রাপ্ত জিপিএ-দ্বয়ের যোগফল ন্যূনতম ৮.৫ (আলাদাভাবে জিপিএ ৩.৫), ‘খ’ ইউনিটের জন্য জিপিএ-দ্বয়ের যোগফল ন্যূনতম ৮.০ (আলাদাভাবে ৩.০), ‘গ’ ইউনিটের জন্য জিপিএ-দ্বয়ের যোগফল ন্যূনতম ৮.০ ( আলাদাভাবে ৩.৫), ‘ঘ’ ইউনিটের জন্য মানবিক শাখার ক্ষেত্রে জিপিএ-দ্বয়ের যোগফল ন্যূনতম ৮.০ (আলাদাভাবে ৩.০) ও বিজ্ঞান শাখার ক্ষেত্রে জিপিএ-দ্বয়ের যোগফল ন্যূনতম ৮.৫ (আলাদাভাবে ৩.৫) এবং ‘চ’ ইউনিটের জন্য জিপিএ-দ্বয়ের যোগফল ন্যূনতম ৭.০ (আলাদাভাবে জিপিএ ৩.০) থাকতে হবে।
Unit |
Minimum Requirement |
KA Unit |
Candidates must have total GPA 8.50 (with 4th subject) in SSC and HSC level exams. |
KHA Unit |
Candidates must have total GPA 8.00 (with 4th subject) in SSC and HSC level exams. |
GA Unit |
Candidates must have total GPA 8.00 (with 4th subject) in SSC and HSC level exams. |
GHA Unit |
Candidates must have total GPA Own Unit GPA in SSC and HSC level exams. |
Cha Unit |
Candidates must have total GPA 7.00 (with 4th subject) in SSC and HSC level exams. |
DU Admission Circular 2020-21 Download
DU Admission Circular Download
DU Admission Circular PDF Download
Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University Dr. A A M S Arefin Siddique confirmed this news that this year in Dhaka University Admission Test Notice 2020-21 www.du.ac.bd, interested candidates will not be getting 2nd chance to participate Dhaka University Admission Test 2020- 2021. He confirmed this notice on today 20th August (Sunday) 2020 to AllResultBD.com.
A Unit Notice & Prospectus 2020
Exam topics: Only students of Science can apply in this unit. And exam subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Math / Biology, Fourth subject / Bengali / English These 4. There will be a total of 30 questions – 120 questions from each subject.
Exam Mark Details:
Total mark 200
Admission Test – 120
(HSC GPA x 10) + (SSC GPA x 6) = 80
N.B: The admission test will have 120 MCQ questions, each of which is the value of 1. That is, 120 marks will be held and the total time is 1 hour and 30 minutes.
B Unit Notice & Prospectus 2019
Exam topics: In this B unit, only the Humanities students will be able to apply . And the subjects of examinations – Bengali, English and general knowledge are three.
- Bengali = 30
- English = 30
- General Knowledge (Bangladesh and International Affairs) = 60
- Total = 100
Exam Mark Details:
Total mark 200
Admission Test – 120
(HSC GPA x 10) + (SSC GPA x 6) = 80
- In the admission test, there will be 100 MCQ queries, each question values carry on 1.2 marks. That is, 120 marks will be held and the total time is 1 hour.
- Each question will be deducted 0.30 from the number received for the wrong answer and the total pass mark 48. and every one have to pass individuals subject like Fro Bangla – 8 marks, English -8 marks and General Knowledge – 17 marks.
C Unit Notice & Prospectus 2019
This C unit is for students of Business Studies. In the admission test, there will be a total of 100 questions in 120 numbers. And 1 hour will be scheduled for the exam.
Distribution of Marks for C unit:
- Bengla-30
- English -30
- Accounting-30
- Management – 30
- Total -120
The number will be cut for the wrong answer in the admission test.
A correct answer number will be deducted for every 5 wrong answers. That means, for every wrong answer, 0.24 will be deducted from obtained marks. This number will deduct subject wise.
D Unit Notice & Prospectus 2019
Merit list will be based on a total of 200 Marks. 80 based on Marks SSC and HSC GPA. These marks are calculated by multiplying SSC GPA (with optional) by multiplying by 6 and multiplying by 10 with HSC GPA (with optional).
- The remaining 120 marks will be held in the MCQ system.
- For the MCQ examinations of 120 marks, a total of 100 questions will be answered and the time will be given 1 hour.
- The value of each question is 1.2.
- For every wrong answer 0.30 number will be cut.
Three subjects should be examined:
Bengali: 30 Marks
English: 30 Marks
General Knowledge (Bangladesh Affairs + International Affairs): 60 Marks
To pass the admission test, you will get minimum 8 marks each subject with total 48 marks.
E Unit Notice & Prospectus 2019
How To Apply DU Admission 2021
- The application (https://ift.tt/1mOrWQb) will be done through this link. Applicants on this site will be able to see the admission guidelines, notices and links of all the units of Dhaka University. Before applying to any unit, please read the guidelines and website guidelines carefully. Also read the instructions in the yellow box on the method page.
- To apply for admission in any unit, click on the ‘Apply / Login’ button of the Dhaka University admission website.
- After clicking on the ‘Application / Login’ button, the applicant’s Higher Secondary / Equivalent on the ‘Application / Login’ page Give ‘roll’ by providing the Roll Number, Examination Roll Number, Board Name and Roll Number of Secondary or equivalent exams Click on the button and the applicant’s secondary and secondary examination information and applicant on the next page If you have the ability to apply to all the units, click on the ‘confirm’ button.
Dhaka University Admission Form 2021
On 22nd June (Wednesday) 2020, Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University Dr. A A M S Arefin Siddique directed Deans meeting of Dhaka University. In that meeting Dhaka University Admission Test date for the academic session 2020-2021 of Graduation (Honours) 1st year was determined & online application date initiate & finish date also determined. But this notice was published on yesterday 23rd June (Thursday) 2020 by a press release by Public Relation Department of Dhaka University.
Dhaka University Admission applicants can take preparation for admission test for this reason they announce the Dhaka University admission test date, said Prof Dr. AAMS Arefin Siddique, Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University.
Dhaka University Admission Question Solve 2018
To Stop Admission Coaching Business they took this decision also said Prof Dr. AAMS Arefin Siddique, Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University. Dhaka University Admission Test circular published for academic session 2018-19
Dhaka University GA Unit Admission Result
Dhaka University KA Unit Admission Result
Dhaka University KHA Unit Admission Result
Dhaka University GHA Unit Admission Result
Dhaka University CA Unit Admission Result
We will definitely update all information regarding Dhaka University Admission Notice 2020-21 www.du.ac.bd in our website at AllResultBD.com.
Check => All Public University admission Circular